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Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication


16 Jan
Cameron Brick's blog for the UK's What Works centres today outlines some of the findings of the Winton Centre's research in the effectiveness of policy-level communications from such centres.
14 Jan
Ilan Goodman writes for medical journalists on how best to report health statistics
19 Sep
A new blog and podcast from María del Carmen Climént Palmer on the problem of the lack of numerical and statistical training in medical schools, and the effects it can have on patients.
13 Sep
Detail of genetic report
Genetic test reports are typically very difficult to understand, being full of technical terms that non-specialists don't understand. Our work on improving this situation is now published.
11 Sep
We are now inviting applications for both a postgraduate and a postdoctoral psychologist to join the team for a year.
25 Jul
Alex Freeman has written a commissioned review summarising the evidence on medical risk communication, which has just been published (Open Access)
22 Jul
David Spiegelhalter helped design a citizen science 'game' with the Met Office which has revealed that adding information about the certainty of a weather forecast helped people make better decisions.
15 Jul
The Winton Centre team
The Winton Centre are hiring a postdoctoral psychologist to work on the communication of seismic risk.