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Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication


5 Jun
The judges awarded the Harding Prize for Trustworthy Communication for 2023 to a news article by Clare Wilson for the New Scientist on polygenic tests and a feature by Katharine Lang for BMJ on Covid antivirals.
22 Nov
The Winton Centre have produced a suite of decision support tools for NHS England to help patients take part in share decision making.
20 Apr
After casting the net wide across the world, the judges awarded the 2022 Harding Prize for Trustworthy Communication to an interactive calculator from the Institute of Fiscal Studies and a report from the Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology.
25 Nov
The Harding Prizes for communication in 2022 are now open for nominations at
28 Jul
Front page of the new decision aid for Atrial Fibrillation

The Winton Centre was commissioned by NHS England to produce a set of decision support tools, designed to help patients make decisions about their treatment alongside their health professionals.

Working with design company Luna9, the Winton Centre team went through an iterative process, talking to patients, patient support groups, members of the public and clinicians on each topic, refining the …

14 Mar
Cochrane Review of Hydroxychloroquine
The inaugural Harding Prize for Useful and Trustworthy Communication has been jointly won by the ONS Covid Infection Survey and the Cochrane Review of Hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19.
2 Feb
Public Health course

We've just launched a new free e-learning course on our platform Designed for trainees or professionals at any career stage who are interested in communicating risks in a public health context, the course should take less than 2 hours to complete and ends with a certificate of completion.

It covers how to extract numbers from academic publications, how …

14 Dec
Risky Talk 2020 a copy 2.png
From anti-vaxx propaganda to partisan political news, social media is awash with dodgy, even dangerous (mis)information. Who is behind this, why do they do it & how can we stop it? Join David in learning more about the social media ecosystem of misinformation!