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Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication


To inform, not persuade

To make good decisions, we all need good evidence which is clearly communicated. The Winton Centre worked with institutions and individuals to improve the way that important evidence is presented to all of us.

The Winton Centre was a fixed-term project and closed at the end of December 2022. We always worked closely with other institutions to ensure that all our projects have a long-term future.

In 2023-24, some of the team have continued to work to deliver and hand-over the projects we have worked on with the NHS. The last of these will finish in December 2024. The Harding Prizes for trustworthy communication are now being looked after by the Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life.

You can find resources and more about the Winton Centre's work using the menu bar on this page, but we also produced a series of leaflets outlining many of our major projects which you can download here:

Leaflets about our work on risk communication in healthcare

The actual decision support tools themselves you can access here,

which sit alongside our Training courses for healthcare professionals

Leaflets about our work on risk communication in journalism

Leaflets about our work on uncertainty communication

Leaflets about our work on communication of natural hazards and disasters, and risk management

Leaflets about our work on evidence communication in legal cases

Leaflets about our work on evidence communication in policy-making

Elsewhere on the site, in Our Resources you will find tools and best-practice guides tailored specifically for lawyers, healthcare professionals, journalists and those in the civil service or policymaking.

In Our Projects you can explore the full range of our partnerships, applied work and published research.

Risky Talk

Listen to our Winton Centre podcast RiskyTalk to hear experts discuss the problems of communicating risks in a broad range of fields.

If you think you're risk-savvy, test yourself with our quick quizzes for legal professionals, medical professionals, or journalists.

Can You Handle the Evidence?

Test your skill at navigating evidence-by-numbers with one of our quick quizzes.

Journalists & Press Officers
Do you know your absolute from your relative risks? Your ORs from your HRs? Test yourself here.
Medical Professionals
You know the difference between sensitivity and specificity, but what about lead-time and overdiagnosis bias? Examine yourself here.
Legal Professionals
Given a positive DNA match, what’s the likelihood of innocence? Check your grasp of forensic evidence & probability here.

Latest news

Harding Prizes for most Useful & Trustworthy Communication in 2023 awarded

5 June 2024

The judges awarded the Harding Prize for Trustworthy Communication for 2023 to a news article by Clare Wilson for the New Scientist on polygenic tests and a feature by Katharine Lang for BMJ on Covid antivirals.

New NHS Decision Support Tools released!

22 November 2023

The Winton Centre have produced a suite of decision support tools for NHS England to help patients take part in share decision making.

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Our projects

Policy decisions need to be based on the best evidence of their outcomes - but these will be different for different groups of people - there will always be winners and losers. We are working on how best to convey this complex information.

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Patients considering transplant surgery have very difficult decisions to make and need to weigh risks and benefits up carefully. We are working with NHS Blood & Transplant to create an online tool to help.

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