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COVID: daily counts of deaths for different places of death (updated 5th June)

Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication

COVID: daily counts of deaths for different places of death (updated 5th June)


After a steep rise, there is a clear peak on April 8th, followed by a steady but slow decline. Deaths in care homes increasing around 2 weeks after hospitals, plateauing around 17th April. Care-home deaths now similar to hospitals, and declining at a slower rate.

Further comments:

  • ONS death registrations run slightly higher than NHS reports, but smooth out the odd March 31st dip.


  • ONS data only covers registrations up to May 30th, and so further deaths may be added.
  • NHS data only covers reports up to June 3rd , and so further deaths will be added, particularly to the final few days.

Data sources: